The main objects of the IIT Alumni Council which is registered in India as a Section 8 non-profit entity are:
- To act as the nodal global alumni body for graduates and post graduates of all the Indian Institutes of Technology.
- To promote participation of IIT Alumni in nation building activities.
- To promote the IIT Brand in global market and to enhance the reputation of IIT Alumni in global market.
- To represent IIT Alumni in various trade and industry association.
As the nodal alumni organisation, the IIT Alumni Council facilitates professional networking among IIT Alumni across the globe. It maintains the global database of alumni, authenticates alumni for employment (and other reasons), hosts the city chapters globally and facilitates the participation and engagement of alumni in various global events and publications.
In order to promote the participation of IIT Alumni in nation building activities, the IIT Alumni Council incubates the various PanIIT Initiatives around the global through the city councils. In India, the PanIIT initiatives are the PanIIT Foundation, the PanIIT Fund, the Paniit Institute and PanIIT Forum. The PanIIT initiatives are focused solely on nation building work.
The IIT Alumni Council has assembled a large team of branding and PR experts from the IIT Alumni community to strengthen the global branding of IITs, our partner institutions and their related entities.
The IIT Alumni Council recommends suitable IIT Alumni for induction into various working groups and committees in areas involving key decisions on technology selection, R&D investments and trade/industry/business issues. The IIT Alumni Council is a key proponent of the institutionalised, listed, Board run company format and has been working with various stakeholders to enable the creation of an appropriate ecosystem for the same. The IIT Alumni Council also maintains resources for speaker placements, mentorship, consulting and independent director opportunities sought by alumni.